Thursday, November 26, 2009


I cannot even imagine a luckier person than myself. I have been blessed to live in this great country. I have a home, which is something that a lot of people will never get to say. I am priviledged to own a car, which 80% of the world doesn't. I am healthy. I have two healthy and happy little boys. I have a good man for a husband.

I am Blessed.

I am not rich. I am not living in a mansion with servents. I do my own laundry. I do my own shopping. I have to cook dinner.... but at the same time, I have a working washer and dryer. I have money to shop for the things we need and even want, and we have full bellies when we go to sleep.

I am Blessed.

I go to sleep in a warm bed, knowing full well that the toys that were purchased with my children's happiness in mind are scattered in the living room. I wake up, ready to face the day of playing with those little boys while my husband goes to the job that provides an income for our family. We are both very thankful to be in the positions that we are in. To have work and freedom at the same time.

I am Blessed.

After all of my Thanksgiving feasting, I won't have leftovers. But I have the luxury of knowing that tomorrow's meals are still there. My house will be empty, but will soon be abuzz with the colors of the holidays... the warmth... the cheer... the peace...

I am Blessed.

I am a Christian who knows the real reason for the season... and I will do all that I can to keep the Christ in Christmas. Because He is the only reason...

... I am Blessed!

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