Monday, June 8, 2009

Craft Bug

So I've decided one thing... when I nest, I don't clean. And honestly, I am ok with this. My husband on the other hand doesn't call it "nesting"... but what does he know... he doesn't know. :oP

But there is one thing I seriously get a little too crazy about when "nesting" hits. I craft. And I craft like there is no tomorrow. And since I have just over 2 weeks left :::gasp:::, this is gonna be a little bit crazy... as soon as I find the glue gun!

I actually just got a crafting bug the other day and all of a sudden I had swaddle sheets (really big stretchy receiving blankets perfect for Baby Burritos) and embroidered onesies, and plans for lots of fabric that's been hanging out in my stash. In fact, I am letting my sewing machine take a break for a few while I get the dimensions needed to create some diaper & wipe cases and maybe a few little hats for Baby. And I didn't forget about Ryan, who is snuggled up for naptime right now with a new fleece blanket... he loves it!

I thought it was funny, but then I remembered that the week before Ryan was born, I was up to my elbows in flour, oats, and fabric making jar gifts for Christmas... yep... even more proof that my "nesting" requires a bit of fabric and creativity... and absolutly no Lysol or baseboard scrubbing.

I have also decided to do a Homemade Christmas this year... we did one almost completely last year... but I need to start early! I think I'll be sharing a few of my projects as I complete them... but I want to know if anyone else is willing to take on the "Homemade Holidays" challenge with me! Let me know... I'd love to share creative ideas with you!

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