Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Today I was listening to the radio and I heard a song that really hit me in a good way. I mean, a lot of songs "hit me"... I am pregnant and super emotional... but this one just make me say "Huh... that should be written in ink on my planner, on my mirror, on my fridge...." I am sure you get the idea.

Anyway... the song said about how even though things don't seem ideal right now... someday, I am really going to miss this. That is totally where I am right now. I consider myself pretty lucky to be able to stay home with Ryan and do whatever I want to do pretty much... but sometimes things seem to suck. My house isn't clean because I have a toddler that likes to pull everything out. I never plan dinner. I suck at the housewife stuff because I never really was a housewife... and it's hard! But anyway...

I took Ryan to the zoo today with some friends. He had a blast... but every time I'd set him down, he'd go running and screaming and giggling about how funny he was that I couldn't catch him. He has no fear and would go climb in with the monkeys if the zookeeper would let him! And I was just thinking "God... where is this child's mother?!?" He was crazy and out of control. And it didn't end when we left and ran to the bookstore.

But... I remembered the song... and one day... I am really going to miss Ryan being my little bug. I am going to miss my one-on-one time with him. I am going to miss his silly little games and his funny little laughs. When he is a "too-cool-for-Mom" ::gasp:: teenager... I will really miss my little boy who loved to cuddle and explore...

Someday... I'm gonna miss this.

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