Thursday, August 11, 2011

I have decided that my life is just not exciting enough I guess... that I need more going on... or maybe I am just a glutton for punishment.
Either way, I am studying up to take my LSAT in the fall... and applying for Law School. :gasp: Those who have known me for a while know that this isn't super strange as it's what I have wanted to do for years. I was captain of the debate team. Was going to be "prelaw" but then determined that "prelaw" wasn't really a major at all, and decided my life would be better as a Business Major. That was something I could really put on the back burner while I had babies and raised them up and did all that mom stuff.
But now my goal is to be more than just "mom". I want to provide a better life for my kids in a way that only a mom can want. I want to go above and beyond. I know that the next few years is going to be stressful (understatement) and require dedication (even bigger understatement) but I think we can do it.
We. Me and the boys. I talked to Ryan about my plans and he had the simpleist of words that just made things make sense: "Mom, school is a good idea. And if you make good choices, then me and Corbin will be so proud of you!" So much wisdom for such a little boy.
The next few months will be a whirlwind... we need to move... although I am not quite sure when. Probably by mid October. I have a few ideas where that will be, and I am working hard to make sure that the transitions will be seamless for the boys. Hard parts include figuring out my budget now that I am making less that I ever have in my professional lifetime, as well as school ideas for the boys. Ryan will likely start kindergarden next fall... and Corbin will still be in daycare for a few more years, so I need them to be close enough to our housing, but also close enough to my parents incase school doesn't allow for quick pickups as easily.
My biggest goals... that my boys aren't put at a disadvantage through this. That they continue to see the beauty that surrounds us in all forms. That they understand that regardless of the hands we are delt, the choices we make, we don't need to roll over a die. That we are able to thrive in all conditions and that by doing so, we will make this world a better place.
So... as this season of my life begins... I continue to learn about letting go, moving on, and finding my place in this world.

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